Q: What programming language?

A: Check the problem’s statement for the name of the expected file. If the file ends in .c, it is C. If the file stem is .cpp, then it’s C++, and so on and so forth.

Q: I’m getting a “Runtime Error” result from the judge.

A: A common cause for that is forgetting to return 0 at the end of your main function. Online judges check if your program finished successfully, and a return different from 0 means an error ocurred. Other than that, verify if your structures are within limits of the exercise’s Inputs.

Q: I’m getting “Ignored” as a result for my submission?

A: All submissions will be ignored after a problem is solved successfully.

Q: Is that the logo for the website?

A: Nope! The website doesn’t have a logotype yet, so if you have a suggestion, contact me.